Adi Bertele war von den 50ern bis zu seinem frühen Tod 1978 der Geschäftsfüher der Goldschmiede. Genau wie Gretl fühlte auch er eine besondere Liebe zu dem Handwerk.
Die Werkstatt der Tegernseer Goldschmiede bis zum Umbau 2012.
Firmenmutter Gretl Bertele. Die 2006 Verstorbene war nicht nur herzlich, sondern auch Gold- und Silberschmiedin aus Herzblut.
Das Haus Bertele Anfang der 2000er
Der Gründer des Familienbetriebes, Adolf Bertele sen., öffnete 1886 zum ersten Mal die Türen der Tegernseer Goldschmiede.
Die Inhaberin unseres Betriebes und Urenkelin vom Firmengründer: Ursula Bertele.
Die Werkstatt in den 50er Jahren. Gretl und Adi sind schon die zweite Generation im Familienbetrieb.
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The Tegernsee Goldsmithy was founded in an old soap maker’s building in 1886.
The Bertele family has been operating it since our grandfather took over in 1919. Ever since we have dedicated ourselves to the craft of making beautiful things from precious metals and gemstones.
There were many renovations, decorations, and building projects that led to the house looking the way it does now. Apart from our big store, the workshop and a small foundry find their home here.
The paintings on the house as well as the Saint Eligius fountain were done by Gretl Bertele.
On top of our passion for the craft we have a long ongoing connection to the art of hunting — our great great grandfather was hunter himself. He set one of the cornerstones that now make up our philosophy and collection. The other very important one is traditional bavarian jewellery. That, in truth, is our way of expressing love for our home and keeping up with century old traditions.
Today, Master Goldsmiths work alongside engravers, stonecutters and setters, and engravers. Together we ensure that you experience not only the best possible service but also receive a special and unique piece of jewellery whenever you come to us.
Every year, a catalogue with pieces from the workshop is published. We would be happy to send one to you as well. If you are interested feel free to write or call us about it.
Should you, however, want to meet us in person you can do so not only in our store but also on several hunting conventions where we will be showing you some of the beauties that our goldsmiths produce.
We sketch, draw and develop all our jewellery before hand-crafting it in our workshop. Every piece is not just fashioned with the greatest care but also built to create every day joy.
Every one of us is specialist in his respective area and, together, we are a team. Creating beautiful pieces is our passion; to make you happy with them our ultimate goal. It was when the goldsmithy was founded, it is now, and it will ever be.
We thank all our customers that this year, we are able to celebrate our 130th anniversary.
Only your trust has enabled us to create so many beautiful pieces of jewellery. Thousands that are now worn around the globe by Bertele’s customers.
That, fills us with pride and joy.
Ursula Bertele
We have several customers very proud of their Bertele piece who send us an image for our guest book.
Feel free to file through it and, who knows, maybe one day you will be in there as well.